Monday, October 28, 2013

week 9, Oct 27 - Nov 1


  1. typing practice
  2. Digital Organization! ~~ We will be getting digitally organized today.
    1. Create folders for last year's school year, and this year's.  (2012-2013, 2013-2014)
    2. Take a screen shot of the folders (Print Screen)
    3. Create a document in Google Drive.  Paste your screen shot into that document.
    4. Move all of your documents from last year into the appropriate folder.
    5. Create a folder for each of your classes that you have this year.  Put them in the correct folder (2012-2013 OR 2013-2014)
    6. Take a screen shot of the folders that you just created.
    7. Put this image into the same document as your last screen shot.
    8. Label the document "Last Name_Digital Organization"  
    9. Share it with me
    10. Don't forget to put this document in the correct folder!
  3. Career Prep game
    • Print the screen for the last page of the game.
    • Paste the image into a document on Google Drive.
    • Label it: "Last Name_Show me the Future"
    • Share it with me!
  4. Check the links on the "I'm done!" section


  1. typing practice
  2. Infinite Campus 
  3. Who am I? worksheet
  4. Complete step one on worksheet
  5. take personality test
  6. With the personality test results, and true colors results, explore career options at the Career Options Game web site
    • choose a career to research and email me your choice
    • There are also resources on the CTA website!

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