Monday, February 24, 2014

week 24

I can discuss the Acceptable Use Policy for CTA.  I can research in order to create a dynamic presentation on a career of my choice.
  1. Typing Web (5-10 minutes)
  2. Acceptable Use Policy - finish posters (We will share them on Wednesday)
  3. Career Presentations - don't forget to look at the rubric to make sure that you have all the required components!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 23

I can discuss the Acceptable Use Policy for CTA.  I can research in order to create a dynamic presentation on a career of my choice.
  1. Typing Web - Add to my class!
  2. Acceptable Use Policy - What is it?
  3. Career Research

Monday, February 10, 2014

week 22, February 10-14

Students will be able to create engaging presentations on a career of their choice.  Students will learn proper typing techniques.

  1. Typing Web
  2. Watch the awesome video!
  3. Discuss the career presentation
  4. Finish your career notes
  5. Start career presentation research - Do not forget to keep track of your sources.  We will be creating a bibliography!


  1. Review close reading assessment.
    • Strategies
  2. Career project